Checkmate Minna

We are a non-profit chess club in minna, that empowers young minds (all levels) through the strategic game of chess. We use chess as a platform to equip them with critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills that benefit them on and off the chessboard.

Discover Your Potential With a Move at a Time

Checkmate Minna isn't just about black and white squares; it's a space where young minds are empowered to checkmate their potential. We're fueled by a passion for chess and its ability to ignite critical thinking, strategic decision-making, and problem-solving skills in young people.

our MAIN initiatives

We offer a variety of programs designed to ignite your inner chess genius, regardless of your skill level:


Level Up Your Brain Game at Checkmate Minna!

Feeling cornered? Forked by life's challenges? Checkmate Minna can help you deliver a checkmate of your own! Forget just capturing kings – here, you'll learn the skills, and confidence to become a master of your own destiny.

Become a part of our community and transform your challenges into opportunities with every move!

The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the Universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature and the player on the other side is hidden from us.

Thomas Huxley