Test your skills

Test Your Skills
Checkmate Minna Initiative

experience the thrill of competition

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake." - Savielly Tartakower

Ready to showcase your skills and experience the camaraderie of fellow chess enthusiasts? Checkmate Minna offers a variety of exciting opportunities to test your mettle.


Participate in well-organized tournaments designed for all skill levels. Compete against players of similar abilities, experience the thrill of victory and the valuable lessons learned from defeat, and build a network of fellow chess players in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Simul Saturdays

Witness chess mastery firsthand as a seasoned player takes on multiple opponents simultaneously during our Simul Saturdays! Observe the expert strategies and tactics employed by the grandmaster, learn from their thought processes, and gain valuable insights into how to improve your own game.

Social Gatherings

Join our online and offline social gatherings for casual matches, fun activities, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. Build lasting friendships, foster a sense of community, and celebrate your love for the game together.