Think strategically

Think Strategically
Checkmate Minna Initiative

Go beyond the board

"Chess is a waste of time if you don't learn from it." - Bobby Fischer

Chess is more than just capturing pieces. It's a training ground for the mind, a mental gymnasium that strengthens essential cognitive skills applicable to all aspects of life. Our interactive Think Tank Workshops leverage chess concepts to unlock valuable life skills.

Critical Thinking

Chess teaches you to analyze complex situations from multiple perspectives. You'll learn to consider all the possibilities on the board, evaluate potential risks and rewards, and make informed decisions based on sound logic. This same analytical approach can be applied to everyday challenges, helping you make better choices in school, at work, and in your personal life.


By working through puzzles and scenarios on the chessboard, you'll develop the ability to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps. You'll learn to identify the root cause of an issue, explore different solutions, and choose the most effective course of action. This problem-solving prowess is a valuable asset in any field.

Planning & Foresight

In chess, success hinges on planning your moves strategically and anticipating your opponent's next steps. Our Think Tank Workshops encourage you to think ahead, consider the potential consequences of your actions, and plan your moves accordingly. This skill of foresight translates to all areas of life, helping you set goals, develop strategies to achieve them, and anticipate and navigate potential roadblocks.

Resilience & Adaptability

Chess is a game of ups and downs, where setbacks and surprises are inevitable. By learning to cope with losses, adapt to new situations, and pivot when necessary, you'll develop the resilience and flexibility needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.